Russian Dolls
We just LOVE Russian Dolls and it is one resource that we constantly seek in Charity shops and this beautifully crafted item offers so much open ended play opportunities and mathematical learning.
Russian dolls, or matryoshka dolls, are a collection of wooden dolls that all nest inside the other, with the smallest doll often being a baby. They are a symbol of family specifically the relationship between the elders, a mother and her children.
These handcrafted items nest inside one another which offer the opportunity for children to solve problems and work out which pieces fit together, they can be filled with loose parts, sorted, matched, nested together, counted, compared for sizing. They are a fascinating resource that spark curiosity and lots of language for our older children too and babies love to explore and create sounds with them when you pop a set into a treasure basket.
You will need...
- A variety to loose parts
- Russian dolls
- A nice cosy spot for children to sit and explore.
- You could extend the opportunity for mathematical learning by adding some numerals and weighing scales into the are to develop mathematical concepts as the children explore and play.