Nest Building

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Spring is the time when most of our Bird wildlife are busy building nests ready to lay their eggs. 


  • Marble and granite eggs sourced from charity shops and car boot sales
  • Circular wicker rings handmade by one of our practitioners similar can be bought here
  • The book called 'Nests' can be brought from Amazon
  • Mark making items such as paper and pencils 
  • Various dry materials that birds may use, moss, dried grass, twigs and more

This experience is open-ended and the children will take the lead and create what they choose, mark making materials are always offered to children, they may want to design a nest or write a story about something. This is a great experience to look at shapes, size, think about wildlife what would keep the eggs safe and warm? Would stones be good in a nest or some nice soft moss? 



Nest Building