Petal perfume

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Making perfume 

Our great outdoors are full of leaves, foliage, petals and flowers.

Have you considered taking the children on a walk in the great outdoors to collect natural elements to bring back to their play?

Please be mindful not to pick wildflowers, these should be left allowing everyone to experience their beauty. 

At our Curiosity Approach settings, we contact our local florist for broken or damaged flower heads. The florist  usually saves us a bag of discarded remnants, from creating floral tributes or bouquets. Anything that is wilted or damaged comes our way. 

Then utilise these items in children’s play.

Making petal perfume has always been a wonderful childhood experience,

What will you need 

Safety scissors 

Flowers, leaves, petals 

Authentic dishes and bowls 


Pestle and mortars 

Jam jars 



Let the children, snip, cut, squash and squeeze. Let them mix, combine and create.

Let them become the scientists the explorers and investigators, let them explore and experience the sensory delight of the soft aromas and delicate feel of the natural elements. To notice similarities and differences in petals, the veins running down the leaves and the feathery texture of conifer or ferns 

* Risk Assessment and supervision is required * 

Petal perfume