Why you must respect play in Early Years?
A teeny tiny tea set of miniature proportion is a replica of the real thing, created by toy companies to fill a need ?! (REALLY?)
Slowly over time in Early Years, we have come to accept that our children NEED these plastic replicas because they
* Aid colour recognition
* Matching sets
* Lightweight
* Durable & unbreakable
* Washable
* Encourage imaginative play
Do we need to keep purchasing PLASTIC?
We CAN stop wasting money on these plastic resources & give children the opportunity to handle & experience the REAL thing.
What experiences are they acting out during their imaginative play?
REAL ones.
REAL LIFE experiences
Therefore shouldn’t we be respecting play as the REAL DEAL
* Giving resources to enhance Play
* Quality items that FEEL REAL
* Look real and ARE REAL.
* To respect children as capable and confident learners
Adult size items -
*developing manipulative skills, strength and coordination
*Risk-taking, understanding consequences
*Learning to be careful and gentle
*To respect resources and equipment
*To handle items with care and attention
*To solve problems - how to prevent the teapot lid falling off when pouring
*To add liquids for authenticity- How many times does this happen with plastic tea sets in the home corner?
*To empower children, to trust and give them the responsibility to handle such beautiful items.
*Patterns & designs for colour recognition.
* Most importantly that inner sense of awe and wonder. Happiness and JOY at being respected & given such treasures.
This transition isn’t going to happen overnight!
We never said it would be easy and it’ll take perseverance and patience on your part!
Because currently, plastic tea sets ARE durable, robust & hardwearing.
Children have subconsciously come to realise they can drop them, throw them, be rough with them & nothing happens. 🙁
It doesn’t matter how these items get handled or treated because they are hardwearing & unbreakable.
This is why role-play sessions can get hectic & chaotic at times!
Nobody notices, nobody cares or considers if the cups get swiped to the floor or the dishes flung carelessly into the sink!
By using REAL items PLAY slows down!
It becomes calmer & thoughtful
It takes on a new pace.
In our busy fast-paced society isn’t it time we took the time to CARE?!
To teach skills of RESPECT
How can we teach these skills if we are removing all potential & possibilities?
How can we ever expect children to RESPECT this planet we live upon if they cannot RESPECT the resources they play with.
We HAVE to first RESPECT play as the place magical moments happen.
Respect the child & empower them to be respectful to resources
This is possible.
At Curiosity Approach® Accredited setting teams join together to transform provision & practice. To reflect and consider WHY traditional norms
have to change!
To slowly introduce ceramics, stainless steel and REAL authentic resources.
This could be the start of something incredible
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