Is your outdoor play space an after thought?

Is your outdoors an after though ?

When setting up your environment do you consider your outdoor play space?

Or is it an after thought ?

We have to remember it’s NOT about indoors AND outdoors play-spaces!

It’s ONE big environment

ONE humongous play and learning space.

View it holistically 


are we placing all our efforts to set up, ‘planning’ & learning INSIDE? 

Then subsequently the majority of time spent playing for children ‘will be’INSIDE!


because outdoors is an AFTER thought!

We have already created a subconscious divide in our thoughts, thinking and how we view or plan your provision,

Outdoors is NOT valued as highly as inside 

Reflect again “At the end of the day - everyone rallies to get the nursery or inside play space tidy, to reset up rooms and bring order back to the environment ?”

“HOWEVER, Is EQUAL consideration given to outdoors ? “

“Was the SAME care and attention afforded to outdoors ? checking, looking and making sure things are put back where they belong ? “
( read our blog on ‘what does tidy up time mean )

Same question each morning, “Have you given consideration to outdoors EQUALLY today ? Or is it an AFTER THOUGHT ?

How can we shift the way we as educators VALUE outdoor PLAY & GET outside if the culture within settings sadly FORGETS about it on a constant & daily basis ?

If we ONLY see the indoors as the place children learn ?

Are we only giving lip service to outdoor play or is it viewed in HIGH regard
AS equally important & hopefully MORE important than being inside ???

We ask the question again
“ is your outdoor play space an AFTER thought ? “

Reflect, discuss & consider together -
If someone says no of cause it’s not “ let’s unpick and prove the theory “
How much time is spent outside ?

If someone gives an excuse “ but the children don’t want to be outside “
WHY is that ? Is it drawing them out with excitement & wonder or is the door closed & they have to ASK to go outside ?
Or perhaps outdoor play is only for 20 minutes each day ? Again REFLECT
“ is outdoors an AFTER thought ?”

The Curiosity Approach® looks to challenge practice - to mindfully reflect on our provision & PRACTICE
To uncover what habits we have fallen into & to make CHANGE !

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