How we create nurseries without toys?

Nurseries without toys

At Curiosity Approach® settings we have moved away from plastic toys and electronic gadgets. Opting for the use of loose parts, recycled and authentic resources.

'REAL' items that can be found at home!

Treasures rescued are from car boots, op or charities shops. Items that normally would be left unloved or thrown away. Authentic real resources which allow children to explore, investigate and discover.

Manufactured, plastic electronic toys are becoming more and more intelligent, they perform, move and entertain children. They play MORE than the child does!

Children are sadly becoming passive learners, watching toys act out, as lights flash and noises sound. Children are sitting watching instead of becoming fully immersed in PLAY.

Our mission is to bring PLAY back to childhoods, to rejuvenate children's desire to tinker potter and explore. To be active learners and motivated to be curious, deeply engaged in PLAY.

"Play is essential to our social skills, adaptability, intelligence, creativity, ability to problem solve and more."
Stuart Brown MD Authentic resources offer multi-sensory sensory experiences. PLASTIC TOYS look and feel the same.

Here are 10 top tips for bringing authentic resources into children’s play experiences 

1. Sensory Kitchen outside, is full of old kitchen equipment, microwaves, toasters, stainless steel utensils and resources

2. Saucepans, pots and kitchen utensils

3. Kitchen scales for the play dough station

4. Picture frames for painting 

5. Big stainless steel mixing bowls for mixing potions 

6. Authentic dress up outfits and dramatic play items. Moving away from commercialised super hero costumes and princess dresses. Ensuring gender neutral inclusion 

7. Small hammers from the pound shop 

8. Clippy Cloppy shoes 

10 Tea spoons, milk jugs, stainless steel tea pots and sugar bowls 

What treasures can you find for free? What resources can you ask to be donated ? 

Save the planet from more plastic, save your budget and save play 

Written by Stephanie Bennett 

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