Festive Play dough

Set up with mindful care and attention❤️

Setting up an invitation to learning shouldn’t take hours, it should be neatly and thoughtfully presented. Enticing a child to be CURIOUS & to come discover & explore.

We step away from plastic cutters & those pre determined shapes, allowing children’s imaginations to power their play.

How often have your reached into a playdough box and the cutters sadly haven’t been washed properly?

Damp sweaty playdough is stuck in the corners of the cutters ? YUK

Dried up play dough crumbs scatter the inside of the box ?

The plastic mat was folded up whilst it was still damp & it all sticks together as you lay it flat on the table ? 

The Laminated mats curl at the edges, damp where water has got In !?

Is this how resources get left ? Has this scenario driven you to despair ?

There is an alternative, play dough set up with purpose, thought and mindful intentions. Stepping away from plastic cutters, mats and table cloths.

At The Curiosity Approach we step beyond traditional Early Years norms.

How can we expect children to respect resources, if we the adults aren’t modelling care & attention throughout our practice. If we operate on autopilot & set up the same plastic resources again & again?

Let’s pause & reflect.

Let’s show children we care through our conscious actions, invite them in! Send a subliminal message to come and PLAY here. Use a wide range of resources & SPARK curiosity!

You cannot set up a wondrous play opportunity if items are unloved and disrespected. What MESSAGE are we sending to the children we serve ?


Here are some Festive Play dough invitations and provocations to inspire and help you move away from traditional mats, cutters and approaches.

1. Use a range of loose parts and natural resources. Eg dried orange slices, pine cones, cinnamon sticks and orange peel. 


3. Natural Play dough with loose parts to inspire 

4. Storage of smaller items. Risk assessment is essential 

5. A Festive provocation, sending that subliminal invitation to come and explore 

Remove the chairs - allow children to stand 

See blog regarding removal of chairs when children play 



#reggioclassroom #respect #continousprovision #playdough #earlyyearsideas

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