Do Curiosity Approach® settings have displays?
At The Curiosity Approach® we are advocates for calm, neutral backgrounds for any displays to let learning shine through, making it become visible! But also we do this to create a sense of calmness without over stimulating those who it is intended for – the children! Researchers at Carnigie Mellon studied the impact of brightly decorated earlychildhood establishments on “distractibility” and discovered that bright visual displays can actually have a negative impact on learning in young children.

At The Curiosity Approach® we promote the use of natural, earthly tones on your walls to radiate a sense of calmness. Colour plays an important role in the overall aesthetic of a space, it can also impact an individual’s mood, emotional wellbeing, learning and behaviour. Within a Steiner Waldorf school there is a deliberate and conscious use of colour onthe walls, generally soft warm pink tones are used because of their gently active and supportive quality. They also incorporate objects from nature into their displays bringing the seasons into them. Careful consideration should be given to making your displays into a visible trace of the children’s thinking and learning, process rather than product.

We are also huge advocates of displays that honour a child’s family and home life, communicating a powerful message of being and belonging. You will always find family displayed within one of our settings. Thought and care should go into every display within your setting from a wall display to a provocation for learning ensuring that they are not excessive and the use of colour has a positive impact rather than an over powering one. Within our settings you will always see natural light, less decoration and more natural materials. Here are a few examples of the sort of displays at a Curiosity Approach® setting.

Here are some examples of displays within Curiosity Approach® settings

A4 certificates and signs are placed in frames
Carefully presented, backed on hessian with a black boarder
Using clip boards to display Black and white photographs, these can be regularly changed to keep up with what’s happening in the setting.
Walls are left plain allowing children to use the backdrop for digital exploration and projecting images on the walls
Rooms offer a calm feel, free from bombardment of walls.
In the moment focus sheets are easily accessible - a powerful working environment
Parent information boards
Evidence of learning
We hope you have enjoyed this insight into our provision and practice and a brief look at displays within The Curiosity Approach, always asking the question WHY ?
WHO IT IS FOR? What is the purpose ?
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