Have you considered mixed age groups in your Early Childhood centre?
Mixed age groups?
At a founding Curiosity Approach® settings we offer an open plan & mixed age group nursery. 36 children from 0-4
It’s amazing to watch as older children support and engage with babies.
As babies watch an observe their more capable peers. Together they play, engage & learn together x
Maria Montessori believed in mixed age groups she felt that through
“Observation: Younger children learn by watching older children as well as adults. In a mixed-age classroom, older children who are completing challenging lessons are an example to the younger children; they show what is possible.”
We appreciate it is not feasible for all settings, to offer mixed ages, however we celebrate the mixed age groups of childminders who offer a family type set up with a variety of ages playing and learning together.
Let’s consider. ... We ourselves as adults understand what it’s like to start a new job, to move to a new place, with new faces & a new environment to get used to.
It’s unsettling, nerve wracking and it’s hard !
Let’s consider the impact of moving children from room to room, changing key persons every year can add unnecessary upset and challenges for young children, especially in these Early years where they are developing self regulation skills ?
It can be unsettling to transition to another room, new faces & a new environment to negotiate & settle back in to.
Could we as Early Years nurseries, do more to provide family style set ups?
Or perhaps ? The adults move with the child ?
Children who stay with a specific Key workers from the beginning to the end of their time at nursery? (as in Waldorf Education )
Imagine? Challenging but not impossible?
A Change of mindset !
Working in a mixed age environment is a wondrous experience for all children and staff. Opportunities for sustained shared thinking, empathy and relationships.
A cohesive family unit. At The Curiosity Approach® we talk about being an extension of home instead of a watered down version of school.
What better way than allowing mixed age children to stay and play together
Something to consider ?
Something to reflect on ?
We all have different Early Years settings and it’s impossible to do everything, but we CAN do something.
Look to our ‘ Childminding’ colleagues to inspire us. They work SOLO and manage mixed age groups.
Therefore isn’t it feasible & possible for nurseries to do the same ?
Look to the images below. A Curiosity Approach® setting with mixed age groups. How Amazing is this
* Perhaps mixed age groups is NOT for you - and that’s OK .
Then consider HOW to make transitions seamless and easier for children!
Remember we can’t do ‘everything’ but we CAN do something ❤️
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