The Curiosity Approach

Let’s explain the philosophy and thinking behind the Curiosity Approach® pedagogy. 

Hello we are Stephanie Bennett and Lyndsey Hellyn the co-founders behind this transformative pedagogy. Today we would like to help you gain a deeper understanding of The Curiosity Approach® and invite you to join us on a journey as we dissect the core principles, beliefs, and practices that define our modern day approach to early years. We are keen to shed light on the fundamental ingredients that make our approach a cornerstone of early childhood education. Did you know that our big goal has always been to reach as many children as possible across the world. How can we do that? By supporting, inspiring and helping fellow educators, parents and carers who are with children every day.  We teach, we educate and we serve. 

Since its creation in 2017, the landscape of Early years has changed, you’ll notice social media is awash with ‘Curiosity inspired’ settings. However, sadly with the increase in popularity it seems that misconceptions are gaining gravitas and myths and misunderstanding are infiltrating - to clarify- The Curiosity Approach ® is NOT about what your setting looks like or the resources you use.  It’s much deeper than that and it all begins with WHY.

Why in this modern world, change is necessary. With the increase in technology, play and nature deficit. With children spending much more time indoors and living sedentary life styles we noticed a difference in the children entering through our Early Years setting doors. Children are loosing the ability to be creative, to be critical thinkers. To play! Sadly, it seems that many Early childhood settings express concerns regarding children’s behaviour, emotional well being and increase in SEND referrals. It’s become apparent we can no longer teach children using the methods of a bygone era. We have to do something different. We have to ensure that we provide play and learning spaces that meet the holistic needs of all children and look to the heart of the matter. 

We move away from over decorated classrooms, brightly coloured environments 

Here Knighton Day Nursery were the very FIRST nursery to become a Curiosity Approach® Accredited setting, Transforming their provision AND practice

Heres the programme they embarked upon to learn directly from us and truly understand more https://www.thecuriosityapproa...

Nothing new!

We whole heartedly confirm, this practice is nothing new, but what we have done is highlighted the importance of getting children back to old fashioned play, using recycled materials, loose parts and pushing back on formality, academics that have dramatically infiltrated early childhood provisions. We stand on the shoulders of giants of Early Childhood Philosopher, theorists and thinkers and bring a collaborative mindful twist to their incredible work and research. Our children of today, need us to recognise that outdated practice of formality, schoolification and a top down approach has to be eradicated, if we are ever to empower a a mentally healthy generation of thinkers a doers of the future.  At The Heart of everything we do, is the child!

With over fifty years joint experience running multiple outstanding Early childhood nurseries in the UK, Lyndsey and I came together and wanted to create a mindful pedogogy to suit the changing times of this modern world, as mentioned previously we are  inspiration from a rich tapestry of educational philosophies and have carefully woven together the key ingredients. This includes Waldorf education, Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Emmi Pikler, and the curriculum of New Zealand Te Whāriki to create a holistic and child-centered pedagogy at the heart of The Curiosity Approach. 

So who has inspired us? Oh my goodness that’s a difficult question to answer, because together we have a wealth of experiences, knowledge that have shaped our thinking. We have respectful magpied ideas from so many people, educators and places. Shaping our ideas and helping us craft our own unique twist on everything we have learnt. We raise our heads above the parapet and look to share The Curiosity Approach® pedagogy and offer anyone who is curious to learn more, understand more and adopt a modern, mindful approach a guided pathway to transforming provision and practice going from ‘ordinary to extraordinary.’

 To summarise in this short blog -we look to Incorporate elements from Waldorf education, as we recognise the importance of fostering imagination and creativity in children through natural materials, imaginative play, and a harmonious learning environment. We understand the importance of a mindful rhythms to the day and an holistic approach to learning. To transform mundane routines to mindful rituals and so much more. 
From Montessori, we draw upon the principles of child-led learning, the ‘whole child’ hands-on exploration, and learning through everyday skills, experiences that promote independence and self-discovery. The influence we draw from  Reggio Emilia is evident in our emphasis on the environment as the third teacher, valuing the child as a capable and curious learner, and celebrating the 100 languages of the child.

Emmi Pikler
 her teachings and research is fairly new to the UK, however at The Curiosity Approach® we focus on respectful caregiving and supporting children's natural development through freedom of movement and uninterrupted play informs their approach to nurturing children's physical and emotional well-being. Our settings don’t have paraphernalia or baby equipment as we recognise the ‘natural unfolding of the child’s development ( Training on this is available)

See link here https://the-curiosity-approach...

Then there is the curriculum of New Zealand Te Whāriki, which once again embraces the holistic view of children as competent and confident learners, recognising the importance of fostering children's well-being,  a sense of belonging, and contribution within a culturally responsive and inclusive learning community.  We have looked to blend, mix and combine these beautiful ingredients with synergy and a mindful approach  and are proud to have created a unique and enriching educational experience that honours each child's individuality, curiosity, and innate desire to learn and explore the world around them.

 let’s recap, it’s NOT A LOOK!

Embracing the Daily Rhythms

Both Lyndsey and I stand firm in our belief that as early years educators we need to understand, embrace and honour the daily rhythms and routines that shape the lives of young children in early years settings. Routines are important to children, they give security, however at the curiosity Approach their needs to be a mindful rhythmn to the day, a gentle flow that prevent disjointed, rushed and stressful transitions. It important to recognise that from the moment a child enters the learning environment, we prioritise  the integration of meaningful rituals and caregiving moments into the daily schedule. These moments of connection and routine not only provide a sense of security and predictability but also foster emotional bonds between caregivers, children, and families. By infusing the day with purposeful interactions and nurturing gestures, we create an environment where children feel valued, safe, and supported as they navigate their early years.

We raise up caregiving moments and recognise their importance click here https://the-curiosity-approach...

Moving Beyond Timetables and Planned Activities 

At The Curiosity Approach and within our academy we empower educators to reframe mindsets and offer a departure from traditional educational models that rely on rigid timetables and structured activities, our Curiosity Approach accredited settings offer a more fluid and child-led approach to learning. Instead of dictating every moment of a child's day with predetermined tasks. We encourage children to follow their passions, interests, and schematic learning styles or as we like to call them urges. We do this by consciously providing a powerful rich play space using loose parts, open-ended materials, authentic resources and providing children with the time and spaces for exploration, and opportunities for imagination, creativity and cognitive thinking. To be ‘creators not consumers.’  We empower children to take the lead in their learning journey, to be those pilots in their own play, with the freedom and agency to explore, create, and experiment as this  fosters creativity and critical thinking but also cultivates a sense of agency and autonomy in young learners.

Elevating the Significance of Caregiving

Central to The Curiosity Approach® is the recognition of the profound impact that caregivers have on a child's development and well-being. We place a high value on the role of caregivers, emphasising g the importance of building strong, nurturing relationships with each child in our care. By prioritising moments of connection, responsive interactions, and genuine engagement, we create a nurturing environment where children feel seen, heard, and supported. Both Lyndsey and I believe THAT early years provision should be about fostering meaningful, collaborative partnerships with families, recognising them as essential partners in the educational journey of each child. Through open communication, shared goals, and mutual respect, we create a cohesive support system that nurtures the growth and development of every child. 

Holistic Learning Integration

The Curiosity Approach® embodies a holistic view of learning that transcends traditional boundaries, recognising the interconnected nature of cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development. In our approach, we strive to seamlessly integrate these domains, offering a comprehensive and enriching educational experience that nurtures the whole child. Through a carefully curated environment that supports exploration, discovery, and sensory experiences, we create opportunities for children to engage in meaningful learning that extends beyond the confines of academic subjects. By valuing each child's unique strengths, interests, and individuality, we foster a sense of belonging, self-confidence, and well-being that forms the bedrock of a holistic approach to education.

Nature inspired 

At the Curiosity Approach® we  are deeply committed to fostering a strong connection with nature, promoting eco-literacy, and blurring the lines between the indoors and outdoors within the Early years environment. We look to inspire and help children and educators understand that there can be no replacement for the wonders of the natural world and we encourage reflection upon the use of faux, fake, and plastic that hinder children's authentic engagement with their surroundings.
By prioritising sustainability, we emphasise the use of authentic resources, loose parts, and heuristic play items to fill children's play spaces with treasures and look to empower children to be active instead of passive learning in their play. 

In our quest to create eco-conscious and nature-inspired learning spaces, we look beyond simply transforming aesthetics. Whilst we believe children deserve to play in and amongst beautiful things. We want to expel the myth that ‘plastic is banned’ and instead focus on the concept of loose parts as variables, echoing Simon Nicholson's idea that open-ended materials empower children to explore, experiment, and create in endless ways.
Our Curiosity Approach Accreditation toolkit looks to help educators and whole teams to design homelike spaces that are free from overstimulation, formality, and rigid academic structures, to provide children with a nurturing environment that supports their well-being, encourages self-directed learning, and fosters a sense of belonging and comfort. To ensure children’s have that Hygge feeling, a Scandinavian concept that cannot be translated into English. It’s a feeling or wellbeing, safety, cosiness and comfort. 

The Curiosity Approach® is a slower, a more mindful approach to early years education, we prioritise creating a peaceful and unhurried atmosphere that allows children to engage with their surroundings at their own pace, fostering curiosity, independence, and a love for learning. By valuing simplicity, authenticity, and nature-inspired elements in our pedagogy, we aim to cultivate a sense of wonder, respect for the environment, and a deep connection to the world around them in the hearts and minds of the children we nurture.

In essence, The Curiosity Approach® embodies a transformative vision of early childhood education that celebrates curiosity, play, and holistic development. By embracing the daily rhythms, moving beyond timetables, elevating the significance of caregiving in Early Years.  Our vision and mission is to put the spark back into educational practice. To remove the formality, disconnection that have come about due to archaic expectations, paperwork and proving to the powers that be, that we are ‘teaching’ children. To empower educator to recognise the incredible work they do on the ground everyday with children. 

To play, laugh, connect, to seek joy in the beautiful interactions and relationships shred with children and to ensure we are nurturing a mentally healthy generation of children. Seeing every child as unique miracles who deserve our reverence and respect. 

Maybe you are inspired by us? Perhaps you’ve worked incredibly hard to get what is ‘perceived’ as the look! We celebrate your commitment and success. Please know you are a step closer to truly understanding our philosophy, thinking and pedagogy. 

Continue being that curious practitioner and recognise that The Curiosity Approach is a shift in mindset , a change in everyday practice and to mindful and consciously place the child central to everything you do. Want to learn more? 

We have a range of courses, resources to meet every budget. From Pocket size training, to a Curiosity Approach App. We have pre recorded plug and play staff meeting covering 12 different subjects all one hour in length https://the-curiosity-approach...

We have a practitioner course click here https://curiosityapproach.lpag...

for individuals keen for further professional development and we have an online accreditation toolkit for the entire team- Click here for details https://www.thecuriosityapproa...

Want more info contact us at support@thecuriosityapproach.co.uk see our website for details https://www.thecuriosityapproa...

or call us on 0116 430 0200

We are here to answer question, direct you to information that suits your requirements and budget 

Thank you for reading our blog

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