Apple Printing

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Autumn is the time when the apples growing on the trees are ready to harvest in abundance, their lovely crunchy texture as you bite into one fresh from the tree is so juicy and a healthy tasty treat. We are so lucky that at two of our sites we have apple trees, one inherited and three we planted ourselves.  The children have loved to observe through the season from the beautiful blossom to the tiny apples forming and then growing throughout the summer and now in the Autumn months they are ready to harvest.

We love to make apple crumbles with the children, and we don't let the core go to waste, its usually placed back into the compost bin or here we have used them for play.

One of our practitioners has cut the apple cores into cubes leaving the stalk intact and simply placed them on a table with some paper, paints and a few cotton buds, inviting the children to come and explore what is on offer. One little boy lined them up and counted them, another little girl used them with the paint to crate marks on  the paper.

A beautiful way to reuse the items that would normally go to waste, printing, counting, creating tracks, stacking, smelling, touching even tasting. So many learning opportunities through play and exploration. 


  • You will need apple cores left over from making app;e crumbles or snack times, cit into cube shapes and leave the stalks intact (they're fab little handles for the children to pinch and pick up)
  • Paper
  • A selection of paint's

Apple Printing