Awe & Wonder in Early Childhood
Awe & Wonder in Early Childhood


Our approach

Are you seeking to revolutionise your approach to Early Years education and create truly wondrous, impactful experiences, spaces and places for young children?  

 At The Curiosity Approach, we are dedicated to
empowering educators to embrace a pedagogical shift that prioritises curiosity, creativity, and holistic development.
Through our modern day pedagogy, training, resources and community, we inspire and guide you in transforming your provision, and practice. 

Be Curious, Have Fun, Make a Difference!
About us

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Mini Courses

A mini course for you - whether you've just come across The Curiosity Approach or you're on the accreditation journey.

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 Curiosity Crib

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CRIB is the home of ALL things curious. Updated monthly with resources, downloads and all you’ll need to help you on your curious journey.

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Join The Curiosity Approach academy, transform your setting, and make your way to becoming accredited.

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A Curiosity Approach Practitioner

Adopt a growth mindset and reflect on your own current practice within Early Years.

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 Curious events

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Spreading the Curiosity

Who our approach has helped

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Begin Your Journey

Our desire is to empower and ignite passion and excitement in Early Childhood Educators. Giving you the tools and knowledge to enable you to create a culture of curiosity, awe and wonder embedded at the heart of your setting.

Get all the tools

The Curiosity Crib

Well the Curiosity Crib provides the imagination AND slashes the work needed – because it’s packed with resources that you can download and use.

It’s a god-send to any setting that’s serious about doing the best they can for their children...

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Crib resources

Earn your stripes

Become accredited

We aim to inspire practitioners and have created a solution to aid you to overcome your learning environment obstacles – The Curiosity Approach Accreditation Toolkit.

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Come together once a month to collaborate and learn with a group of like-minded people. Book your tickets here!

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Giving you endless gateways, ideas and tools to bring
The Curiosity Approach to your setting.

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Some kind words from

Our Curious Pioneers

"What a journey it has been! I am beyond proud to be accredited!"

Testimonial picture

Kelly Vaughan

Kelly's Childminding

“We'd started to use in the moment planning and begun to ditch the plastic, introducing loose parts, natural and found resources. It was going well, but we felt something was missing. Then we saw The Curiosity Approach and everything fell into place. This was what we were striving for – to step outside our comfort zones with the same goal in mind.”

Testimonial picture

Kay Garner

Knighton Nursery

“Stephanie Bennett and Lyndsey Hellyn have helped me find my sparkle! My nursery has never been so full of creative, enthusiastic and engaged staff and children! The Curiosity Approach has been a great support for me and my staff and has given us the confidence to let our imaginations run wild! It has been fun developing my nursery and finding my true ethos.”

Testimonial picture

Lisa Wakley-Davies

Little Stars Nursery

“We know children are naturally inquisitive, however The Curiosity Approach ethos promotes curiosity, awe and wonder in Early Childhood. Creating beautiful and aesthetically pleasing play spaces for children using provocations, loose parts and open-end resources. It’s amazing to see us all have light bulb moments, maybe epiphanies which inspired us to make wondrous changes.”

Testimonial picture

Neil Dudman

PearTree Childcare & Your Nursery Business Owner

"It is such an achievement for myself and my team for be on this journey. I believe we will always be on this journey constantly reflecting and thriving to be the best we can. I couldn't of achieved this without my staff and the Curiosity Academy sites and ideas. It was amazing to come to Birmingham and see the nurseries and implement this to mine.

I believe after all this journey it's the children that have made the most achievements. The progression, development and imaginations grow everyday and its a joy to watch and my passion for Early Years has been reignited".

Testimonial picture

Laura Ali

Little Leaders Childcare

Knowledge Centre

Curious bits & Bobs

10 ideas to use a recycled pallet in your Early Childhood setting

How to up cycle and transform a pallet to use in your Earl Years setting

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10 top tips for authentic dramatic play

Are you looking to adopt The Curiosity Approach and want some ideas for role play ?

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5 reasons curiosity is important

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